Tuesday, February 10, 2015

5 Signs of a Good Maid Service

There are more Dallas maid services than ever before and yet so few that provide a great customer experience. When you are paying to have your home cleaned, it's vital that the service you hire can come through for you and that all of their staff members are good at what they do. But how do you find a good maid service when there are so many to choose from? At King of Maids, we know cleaning like no one else. Here are five positive signs to look for that we think show a maid service is truly on top of their game:

1.       Clear, up-front pricing – It's amazing what sorts of convoluted pricing structures you can run across when you start looking for a good maid service. There are companies that seem to want to nickel and dime you over every sweep of the broom, and others that claim to have low prices only to offer bare bones service with an up-sell offer once you're in the door. One of the first things you should ask when you contact a maid service is what is included in the price and what isn't. Ideally, look for a flat rate service that includes everything you want, with clear options and pricing on any extras. 

2.       Flexible plans and services – The dream of every maid service is to get clients who want cleanings every week or every day, under contract, forever. But that doesn't mean that setup fits your needs. The best maid services understand that and are happy to offer flexible options. That means if you need a cleaning just once prior to the holidays or a big event, they'll come just once and not pressure you to sign a contract. Similarly, if you need cleaning on an ongoing basis, but not every single week, or not always on the same day or time, they'll work with your needs. If a maid service pushes back against your scheduling needs, it's the wrong one.

3.       An online scheduler – It's much easier to book your cleanings if you can just go to the website, sign in and click the calendar. That lets you book after hours or when you don't have the time to make a phone call. It's just one more detail that makes life easier for you.

4.       100% of supplies provided – It's surprising that so many maid services today still don't get this. If you wanted to track how many rags were left in your closet you wouldn't call a maid service in the first place! Not only should a service provide all its own supplies, those supplies should be included in the price—not cost extra.

5.       Fully insured – We don't think of maids as contractors, but indeed a cleaning service is coming to do work on your property under contract from you. That means that, like any worker, you want a cleaning service that is fully insured and can manage their own liability. This is just one more way to protect yourself.

What else do you look for in a Dallas maid service? At King of Maids, we have it! Talk to us today or go online to schedule a cleaning!

1 comment:

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